Make your mark
Support students
through education
A staggering 51% of youth in South Africa between the ages of 18 – 24 cannot afford tertiary education, and even if they are fortunate enough to be admitted to a tertiary institution, they face immense challenges on their academic journey.
Feenix needs your urgent help to impact the lives of university students and graduates caught in the relentless grip of university debt. Donate now to ease the plight of students who are desperate to commence their educational journey and obtain their qualifications.
The education funding crisis is crippling our youth.
Donate now to bring students one step closer to reaching their goals while you receive a tax benefit.Scroll down and click on ‘Once-off’ or ‘Monthly’ to make a donation online.
After making your donation, please email nosipho@feenix.or or info@feenix.org to request your Section18A tax receipt.
I want to make a difference in the lives of students and am making my donation:
make a donation online
Bank Details
Bank: Standard Bank
Reference: Please use your email address as reference
Account Number: 200866044
Branch Code: 051001